Monday, June 2, 2008

Well, it's been a while. A lot has been happening in my life. You'll see some pictures of me and Sam when you scroll down. (not to be confused with Sammy, my roommate) We started 'dating' a couple months ago. What else, work is crazy, I start working nights again this week. I'm the saucier now. Which is kind of a big deal, basically the #1 cook. Pray for me though, it only gets harder when you move up.

Kelly and Kaulana passed through NYC. Here they are in Time Square. Totally a touristy picture, not their idea, but mine. I love them and miss em.

The Best Haircut EVER

Sammy and I cut my hair the other day, here's what happened after

Memorial Day BBQ!

On Memorial Day we had a BBQ that was pretty awesome. Everyone brought food and we stuffed our faces out on the patio. Afterward we sang some songs to praise our God . What a sweet time. I know the song says "they'll know we are Christians by our love", but I think it might be "they'll know we are Christians by our food" I think we eat everytime we get together.

Indian Restaurants

Brooklyn Photo Festival

I Heart the Market

I go to the farmers market four times a week. I love it. By far my favorite thing about NYC. Sammy, found me in Washington Square on the phone and took this shot of me loaded up coming back from the market.

Riding the Bull


For Christmas we had a gift exchange, I made an Abe Lincoln beard and hat for my person, Sammy made a giant cupcake head thing. We had alot of fun.