Monday, June 11, 2007

Coney Island

On Friday, Sammy and I went out to Coney Island. I didn't know that Coney Island is in fact not an Island. It is the furthest south-east point in Brooklyn. The area was developed in the early 1900's and you can really tell that it is old stuff. The place looks a little worn down, but they are renovating and adding to the beach for the next five years.

While we were at Coney Island we ate at the original Nathan's. It is really cool to be there. It is such a historical landmark of the early 1900's.

We really pigged out. I felt gross after.

Here's Sammy testing his strength on an old arm wrestling thing-a-ma-jig. Weak.

Then I tested my strength on one of those hammer deals. You know where there is the tall pole with lights and the harder you hit it, the higher it lights up. Well, I didn't do as stellar as I thought I would. my excuse: I think it's more important where you hit than how hard, because I saw some pretty wimpy hits before I got up that were better than mine. Or maybe, I'm just a wimp.


Anonymous said...

stop eating all those hot dogs and maybe you can hit higher next time...

haha, just kidding. Sounds fun! breaks are good.

Shelley Family said...

Cole, you crack me up. I think my cooking adventures in Peru just might crack you up, too!