Friday, August 10, 2007

Dave Mathews Band

The other day it rained really hard in New York. We have a basement apartment with a back patio. The patio is higher than the level of our floor. There is a small (three steps) staircase that goes from the door to the patio that is indented like a basin. Like I said it rained a lot the other day. Well, the two drains on the patio got blocked up with leaves, so all the water was filling up in the stairs. I woke up at about six in the morning hearing water inside. I knew the moment I woke up that we were flooding. So I turned the light on and sure enough, water was running in from all around the bottom of the door. I had to check out what was going on, so I opened the door. What I didn't know was that there was about 60 gallons of water on the other side waiting to come in. So when I opened the door I instantly dumped about 40 gallons of water in the apartment. It was crazy. I'm so glad we have a tile floor, otherwise it would have been a total mess. The water was brown and nasty. It took us a good three hours to clean up everything. Right as we finish, I'm moving our mini-fridge, and pull out a bottle of wine to set it on a table. I bump it on the table, drop the bottle, and sprayed red wine all over the floor we just cleaned. Anyway, the rest of the day we spent in Philladelphia. We took a bus from Chinatown in New York that drops you off in Chinatown in Philly. They're great, cheap, and only a little bit sketchy. We saw a Dave Mathews Concert, which was way better than I thought it would be. It was really sweet. Plus it was free, because we volunteered before the show. Got lost after and ended up taking the Greyhound bus back to NY. Long, but fun day. Sorry, I didn't take any pictures.

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