Thursday, August 9, 2007

July 4th

On the Fourth of July a bunch of us guys from my church got together and played baseball at one of the diamonds in the area. It is a small field, used mostly for little league, so we used tennis balls. It was a lot of fun.

Here We Are

Elbert with a funny face

Ming, just...well, normal

Swing and a miss.
After Baseball some of us went out and got pizza at a great local place. After pizza we went out and saw the Transformers movie (which was pretty cool, better than I thought it would be). After the movies we went to another friends house in the church to watch the fireworks. They live on the 34th story of a building just across the street from the Empire State Building. The coolest part about fireworks from that high up in New York is that they light up all the buildings and shine the reflection of fireworks all around.

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